
Our PARTNERS Share Our Vision

To be the inspiring, inclusive community for marketers, where we advance careers and make life-long connections.


  • Associate your company or organization with marketing thought leadership programming from industry leaders (Your organization could be a ‘Co-Presenting Partner’ of the series or a single event.)
  • Publicize your organization and services to the AMA Connecticut membership and emailing list.
  • Promote your business to over 4,000 marketing professionals on our email list and through our social media channels.
  • Engage with, support, and attract potential business partners, employees, and customers in the region.
  • Develop your team and entertain guests with complimentary event tickets.
  • Expand your knowledge with membership to the national AMA organization (available to event-year presenting partners).
  • Connect with the local professional marketing community.

Become an AMA CT Chapter partner today!
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and we will get back to you ASAP.

Partner Form
