Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

our point of view

Connecticut is a truly diverse community and we believe in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). It is diversity that makes us a strong community and our chapter stands with the Black community against violence and racism. We want to support our community and are ready to act.

Russ Klein, American Marketing Association CEO, made a statement in his letter: “The AMA chooses to be on the right side of historic and meaningful change.” Change starts with each one of us and there are many ways to advocate for change. Please take a moment to read the full message on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion from Russ Klein: https://www.ama.org/a-message-from-the-american-marketing-association/

HOW you can get started

  1. Learn about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  2. Connect with friends and colleagues

  3. Support DEI initiatives in your workplace

  4. Discuss the importance of diversity at home

  5. Contribute and be active in the community 


how ama connecticut is organizing our efforts

There are four areas of endeavor AMA Connecticut is pursuing.

  1. Make DEI part of who we are. We’ve signed-on to the AMA Chapter DEI pledge, which  commits us to incorporate DEI into our chapter mission, programming, membership,  leadership, and operating principles. 

  2. Financial support. AMA CT Chapter will donate $1,000 to The Prosperity  Foundation (“TPF”). TPF is a community foundation designed to strengthen Connecticut’s Black communities in critical areas such as health, education, and economic development. Our commitment is not a one-and-done donation, but a start on the journey to making a  positive and ongoing contribution to TPF’s mission to promote philanthropy, prosperity, and self-empowerment in the Black community. You can read more here.

  3. Internships for students of color. AMA will proactively seek internship opportunities for  students who go to school or call our area their home base. This initiative may be rolled up into a job board that is also planned for the chapter. 

  4. Create or distribute a database of minority-owned businesses in our area. An essential  part of getting a fair shake is to be known to those who would buy from you. Our  chapter will either create and maintain or partner with an area organization that  publishes a database of businesses in the marketing trades that are majority-owned by  minorities. 

There’s unquestionably more that can be done, but it’s a meaningful start. As a relatively small chapter and board, resources are limited. As we grow, more will be done.

If this aspect of our mission appeals to you, I invite you to join your local AMA chapter, here in Connecticut, or wherever you live, so that you can help make a difference in the lives of those who live among us, yet live a vastly different experience.

selected resources

AMA Virtual Training - The DEI Imperative: Fundamentals for Marketers

8 Ways to Support Black Lives Matter: Protests, Donations and More

How to Help Black Lives Matter Movement, Protesters | Time

Black Lives Matter: Do companies really support the cause 

A guide to how you can support marginalized communities

Black Lives Matter: brands who are doing it right